Month: October 2011

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Q&A, Free Estimates for Newberry County Industrial Park Employees Today 11am-1:30pm

Q&A, Free Estimates for Newberry County Industrial Park Employees Today 11am-1:30pm We’ll be on-site today at the Newberry County Industrial Park today as part of the City of Newberry’s “Turn Left” campaing to answer questions and provide estimates. There will be 40 other City businesses setting up for all employees of the Industrial Park in…
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Mid-State Chapter SCSPLS – Tonight!

Tonight Tad Abraham will be speaking to the Mid-State Society of Professional Land Surveyors about the newly released FIRM maps for Newberry County. These maps arrived unannounced and without any fanfare but have major consequences to the citizens of Newberry County as well as liability of surveyors. There has been a change in areas of…
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House Commitee Hearing on Lightsquared TODAY 1PM

Washington, Oct 11 – Today, the House Small Business Committee will hold a hearing entitled, “LightSquared: The Impact to Small Business GPS Users.” The hearing will take place in Room 2360 of the Rayburn House Office Building. The hearing will focus on the impact on small businesses that may result from LightSquared’s use of its spectrum to…
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